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Kids say the darnedest things - best to keep some evidence


We're always trying to hold on tight to memories of our kids when they were little. Usually we do it with photos or videos. But one of the best pieces of advice I ever got from a friend, was to keep a note book of the funny things your children say.

  • Jan 2020 - "Mummy is charging her boobies" (I was using my Medela to pump out breastmilk)

  • May 2020 - "Vegetable says hello my friend, don't eat me. Then vegetable say ok my friend you can eat me."

  • Jan 2021 - "I nearly fell in the toilet, and was never seen again"

  • April 2021 - "I love hair, but I don't eat it. I love booger, so I don't eat it. I love humans, so I don't eat humans".

  • Dec 2021 - "The flies are going to eat my delicious face."

  • Dec 2021 - "Mummy can you wear this booby protector, I haven't seen you wear it before" (she was talking about my bra).

  • Nov 2022 - "Pretend you are a ghost, and I'm a baby, and I eat you, and you're dead."

There's only so much you can capture from a photo, or even a video, as it needs to be at the right moment, and at the right time. Even grabbing your phone to record the moment can takeaway from it a bit. But just keeping a simple note of the date, brief context and funny things your kids say, can really remind you of just what your kids were like when they were little, especially when they first started talking. I keep mine on a Docs app that I share with my husband, which makes it very easy to keep it up-to-date and takes less than a minute.

Another thing my husband does, but which takes a bit of dedication, is to create a compilation of videos captured in the last month for each of our kids. Sort of a short summary showing what they got up to and how they've grown. It makes it easier to look back at some memories, as rather than having to scroll through photos or millions of videos - you can just watch the compilation to get a snap shot of what your kid was like during that time. It takes effort though! He goes through a lot of videos throughout the month to pick the "best" ones, and then use iMovie to put extracts of them together. A quicker way to do it, is maybe just to rely on an app to do it automatically for you. When they were babies, the compilation was only about 3-5 mins for each month (as let's face it, all they do is lie there and look cute - not much action happening). But as they grow bigger, the lengths of the compilation videos grow too, where they're now 15 minutes long! But we only ever keep them for ourselves and share them with the grandparents - because let's face it, no one else is going to care about seeing those videos.

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